Monday, February 6, 2012

Mommy and Me Dance Class

A person at John's work told us about this dance studio in town that offers Mommy and Me Dance classes. I showed up to their open house and was a little reluctant to enroll Reagan because I figured she was still a little young for dance class. The owner of the dance studio told me she wasn't.(Of course she would!)
It is true that one of Reagan's favorite things is music and dancing. Her go to move is what we call the "trucker pull". She now even insists that she listen to music on one of our phones while we brush her teeth. She will remind you by saying, "Dance, Dance" should you attempt to brush her teeth without music playing. 
I was still hesitant about enrolling Reagan in the dance class, but I did anyways. I figured it was only 6 weeks (one day a week) and if nothing else it would give Reagan another reason to wear the tutu Nana sent her for Christmas! Although she prefers to wear the tutu any chance she gets.
There was only 2 other girls in the class with Reagan...a 2 year old and a 4 year old. Needless to say, the four year old listened and tried to do what the teacher said and Reagan and the other 2 year old ran around and attempted to do some of what they are supposed to. Oh well...Reagan still had lots of fun, loved wearing her tutu, and enjoyed putting on and taking off her ballet slippers (over and over). And she got a sticker at the end of class which made it all worth it for Reagan.

Our little dancer!
It looks like she might even be dancing here.....
But in reality she was just reaching for Ellie!

Reagan did gain a little fame from her dancing. John's work puts out a monthly newspaper and a story about her was included in it! (Yeah, scrapbook material...if I ever found time to do that). Somehow we also won a gift card for the story, which almost made up for the cost of the dance class!


momof4 said...

LOVE it! She would fit in around our house for sure. My little two always have on leotards, tutus, princess dresses or swimsuits.

Reagan looks like she loved dancing!

Theresa said...

Omgoodness! I seriously don't think she could be any cuter!