Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another year older!

Way back in the end of February I turned another year older! At least I can always say I am younger than John even when the birthday number is something I'd rather not remember! This was my second birthday as a Mommy and Reagan wanted to make sure I remembered this one! The day before, she ended up with a tummy bug so lucky me got to start off by cleaning up puke!

John tried to make up for it by getting up early and fixing me a yummy birthday breakfast and he even decorated the kitchen with lots of pink balloons and streamers! Oopps! We forgot to take any pictures of any of that though! Reagan gave me another present of puke after she woke up so we got to spend the majority of the morning at the doctors office.

Me and my little sick pumpkin!
Despite Reagan being sick, my Dad and Stepmom came down to spend the weekend with us!
Flowers from John!
According to the candles, I am only 8! John's family also sent some pretty flowers!
Maybe 8 candles is all I can blow out!

The next day we decided to drive down to Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga. Reagan seemed to be a little better and I told John he was responsible for cleaning up any puke in the car! :)
Our little family!
Grams, Reagan and Papaw!
The view of Chattanooga!
It was pretty windy and much colder than we expected at the top!

There is quite a bit to do on Lookout Mountain and we plan on checking some of it out, but next time we hope to go when Reagan isn't sick! It turned out to be a pretty fun birthday weekend, even if my little bit was sick. I guess that is the life of a Mommy and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

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