Monday, April 9, 2012


Since the beginning of this year we have had quite a few visitors, which we have loved because the hardest part of moving was leaving our family and friends behind in Cincinnati. Although we have been without visitors for close to 2 months so maybe they don't like visiting as much as we like having them! :)

Unfortunatly, I haven't been very good at taking pictures when we've had visitors. Kirk, Paula and Hazel came for a whole weekend and this is the only picture I took...and it is of my own kid!

Although she is smiling I don't think she was happy to have them leave!

I got a little better with the pictures when Steve, Laura, Ady and Ella came to visit.
All three girls loved playing in the ball pit! Surprisingly they all fit in it and played really well together! By the way, I have no idea what Reagan is doing in this picture!

Of course we had to go to Jumpin' Junction while they were here. It is close, cheap and fun for all the kids!
Reagan and Daddy getting ready to go down the slide!
Ady having fun!
Laura and Ella! I wish I had taken a picture of Steve going down the slide. He used Ella as his excuse, but I think secretly he was having as much fun as Ella on it!
Reagan always loves spending time in the car when we are there!

Can't believe we got a picture of all three of them looking in the same general direction! Such a cute bunch of girls!

We always have so much fun when we have visitors! You are welcome anytime!

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