Saturday, June 2, 2012

Easter Day!!

After four previous posts, I'm finally getting to actual Easter Day! I guess we kept pretty busy with Easter activities this year! This Easter was different for us because we typically go to John's Aunt and Uncle's house for Easter lunch. With our move to TN, we decided we didn't want to make that long drive for just the weekend. This was our first Easter by ourselves in a long time, but we still had a good holiday and most importantly celebrated the reason for Easter, our Risen Savior! We didn't have time to take any pictures before church but were able to get a few good ones when we got home.
Daddy and Reagan!
Mommy and Reagan!
Our family (courtesy of our nice neighbor who saw us taking pictures and offered to take one of all of us)
Our sweet girl!

Reagan also got to open her Easter basket from us, um I mean the Easter Bunny! I know Elmo isn't typical Easter but Reagan likes him and the rest of her basket was Sesame Street themed. I also got another use out of her basket at her birthday party!
No fun...all practical gifts!
"Abby Dabby socks", as Reagan says!
Cups! Now if only we could teach her how to drink out of them without dumping water all over herself!
Oh yeah...books!
Good thing this book only got $1 because in about 30 seconds she ripped out every pop up!
Of course you have to have bowls to go with the cups!

Daddy also "hid' some Easter eggs in our front yard for Reagan to find. Maybe next year we won't make them so obvious! She still thought it was lots of fun!
Heading out on the hunt!
First step out the door and she already found one!
An egg hiding in the rocks!
Lots of eggs in the grass!
See how full her basket is getting!
Daddy tried to trick didn't work!
Good thing that bird bath wasn't filled with water!

 Of course we had to have dessert too. Nana sent us LOTS of peeps so I made use of a few of them by making these yummy cupcakes!
You can never go wrong with a dessert that contains a peep!
"Ohhh, yummy cupcake!"
Reagan likes peeps...guess that means I'll keep her!

We had a very fun Easter season and hope you and your family had time to celebrate our Risen Savior as well!

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