Friday, June 1, 2012

Reagan's First Carousel Ride

I'm pretty sure I will never get caught up on this blog since the days seem to pass faster than I can catch up on here and as you all know, a 2 year old can keep you very busy! Anyways, way back in early March we went down to Chattanooga with some friends. They have a real nice park that we checked out which also had a carousel at it. I'm not sure how Reagan got to be almost 2 and never made it on a carousel, but it happened so this was her first time riding on it! She was fine until the horse (or dog, or whatever she was riding, I can't remember) started moving up and down! She immediately jumped off and wanted me to hold her!
Before the carousel started! Yes, she is also sporting a very nice shiner that she got a few days earlier at another park!
For our second ride we had to sit on the seat that didn't move...she was a little better this way!
Elijah was all smiles on the carousel!
Yes, even little Isaiah wasn't afraid of riding on the carousel!

The good news is we went to the zoo last weekend and they also had a carousel. Reagan rode 3 times on animals that moved and wasn't scared! She just kept saying "One more time!"

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